#meego-meeting: DE meeting, 7 June 2011

Meeting started by msugano at 10:57:37 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Action Follow-up  (msugano, 10:57:47)
  * msugano to have a look on 11484 & 12930  (msugano, 10:57:55)
  * Bug 11484 has the work around (Sage)  (msugano, 10:58:06)
  * Bug 12930 is a regression and has to be fixed. dl9pf_ had a patch
    for that already. Commented on the bug (Sage).  (msugano, 10:58:20)

* On SF2011 (a bit still)  (msugano, 10:58:40)
  * Blogs & Review  (msugano, 10:58:47)
  * LINK: LWN http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/445703/ec074038295f3d0f/
    (msugano, 10:58:55)
  * "On all of those fronts, one must consider the MeeGo DE SF release a
    success."  (msugano, 10:59:02)

* Open Sourcing  (msugano, 10:59:33)
  * meego-terminal is open sourced  (msugano, 10:59:42)
  * LINK: https://gitorious.org/meego-terminal/   (msugano, 10:59:48)
  * Rakesh is working on the community OBS part.  (msugano, 10:59:55)

* The next step  (msugano, 11:02:56)
  * Please feel free to send me the feedback on all the aspects of the
    project.  (msugano, 11:03:12)
  * [RFC] Based on the feedback so far, msugano would like to have the
    teams a bit reorganized. 1) Application 2) UX & Performance 3)
    Adaptation.  (msugano, 11:04:07)
  * Some team members are interested in writing/porting various
    applications/settings for DE. This team can be the primary forum for
    that discussion.  (msugano, 11:04:38)
  * We should improve the performance.  (msugano, 11:05:29)
  * UX & Adaptation work for sure stays important.  (msugano, 11:05:37)
  * LINK: http://wiki.meego.com/Yet_Another_GUI_Project   (jukkaeklund,
  * [RFC] The MTF team reports their integration effort is often
    blocked/ignored. Have we done enough so that we now fork?  (msugano,
  * ACTION: msugano to facilitate the discussion in @meego-dev or
    @meego-packaging about the integration difficulty.  (msugano,
  * 1.2 does not take any big changes any more.  (msugano, 11:23:39)
  * Compliance has to be noted
    (msugano, 11:23:51)
  * ACTION: msugano to take the points from the 7 June 2011 meeting and
    continue the discussion in some other public forum.  (msugano,

* jukkaeklund  (msugano, 11:32:13)
  * LINK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CE_mark \o/  (Sage, 11:36:11)

* veskuh  (msugano, 11:48:12)

* browser & wlan  (veskuh, 11:48:21)
  * jpal has been improving wifiapplet  (veskuh, 11:48:43)

* performance  (veskuh, 11:51:14)
  * LINK: http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Performance   (veskuh,

* AOB  (msugano, 11:55:18)

Meeting ended at 11:57:45 UTC.

Action Items
* msugano to facilitate the discussion in @meego-dev or @meego-packaging
  about the integration difficulty.
* msugano to take the points from the 7 June 2011 meeting and continue
  the discussion in some other public forum.

Action Items, by person
* msugano
  * msugano to facilitate the discussion in @meego-dev or
    @meego-packaging about the integration difficulty.
  * msugano to take the points from the 7 June 2011 meeting and continue
    the discussion in some other public forum.
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* msugano (105)
* jukkaeklund (76)
* alterego (44)
* Sage (44)
* veskuh (38)
* w00t (25)
* Stskeeps (21)
* lamikr (6)
* vnayani (5)
* iekku (5)
* MeeGoMeetBot (4)
* harha_ (3)
* jukkaekl (2)
* jpal (1)

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