Hi, everyone.

First of all thanks for this great release. I've been on with MeeGo from 1.1
(I think) and it's been a blast to use it and see it grow. I'm really
enjoying it and slowly replacing Maemo with MeeGo permanently, if plausible.
In the honor of CE 1.2 Summer release I decided to download it (as -testing,
as I'm used to) and set it up with dd. I did that and tested the release as
much as I could and when I could.

I stumbled across some bugs (10) which one of them is reported and one of
them I'm not sure of. I've marked those bugs in below. Here's my quote on
what those bugs are and how to reproduce some of them and some other
comments that I made. I hope these help you all, since I rarely have time to
visit the bugs.meego.com anymore.

Anyways, here we go.

   CE 21-3 testing, field test


1. Lock screen stops working after some time.

*Best way to reproduce is to lock and unlock screen for a while.*

2. Clock (on desktop) froze bur was reported correctly in the Settings.

*Very hard to reproduce, happened only on one boot and have no idea what
caused it.*

3. Calling didn't work until 3rd boot. You could call someone but the
connection-sound was not played,

*Might be a signal-issue?*

4. Scrolling a SMS-conversation in portrait causes bouncing the window back
up, if overflow is started (meaning that the scrollbar has to be used).

*Already reported. Doesn't seem to be that bad though in landscape.*

5. Dialer did not play ringtone.

*This was with the Silent-profile, which still is forced to be active.
Ironic, no?*

6. Music Player stuttered a lot if there was multi-tasking going on.

*E.g. open task-switcher, launch x-term..*

7. No clear indication whether or not GPRS is being used.

*Excluding the "Activate" and "Deactivate"-button. How about making the
connection-text (e.g. 2G/3G) in different color, for example green when the
GPRS is on?*

8. For a while the right operator was listed but then swapped to wrong one
(e.g. Saunalahti to Elisa).

*Might be a SIM-card issue? This didn't happen in TeleFinland (it'd be
Sonera, if it'd happen, I think).*

9. Calling to a contact from SMS didn't launch Dialer.

*The call was initiated but no interface was provided to handle the call.
Even if you launced the Dialer you still didn't get the interface required.*

10. Hover for virtual keyboard seems to have some issues.

*I'm not sure about this one but if I recall right I had a lot of trouble to
use the vkb, since there was little to none highlight for hover when I
pressed a key from vkb.*


I'll point out that the image, that I used, was this:


That's all for now, thanks for the release, I'm really enjoying it. :)
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