On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 11:54 AM,  <makoto.sug...@nokia.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> FYI, from 4 July 2011 to 5 August 2011, CE is moving from the daily release 
> to the weekly release mode. Thanks Sage and ssirkia for supporting the CE 
> image creation during the summer time.
> Have a nice summer.
> All the best,   Makoto
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The new images will be distributed in the similar manner to the daily
images have been so far. So location is the same
http://repository.maemo.org/meego/n900-de/daily/ , the only difference
will be that new images are coming only once a week (on Mondays).
There might be some exceptions in the dates e.g. next week we most
probably don't create the image on Monday 4th of July as there isn't
so much differences to the previous image.

I also recommend reading following post about updating the image with
zypper: http://lists.meego.com/pipermail/meego-handset/2011-June/000527.html

Ps. If someone knows how to prioritize zypper repositories so that
packages from repo A are installed even when same package is newer in
repo B would be nice if you would ping me at IRC (Sage, #meego-arm @
Freenode) so we can make the update functionality even better from the
CE point of view.

Pps. Also similar functionality mentioned above to MIC2 would be very
welcome from the CE release engineering point of view, all ideas and
suggestions are welcome. https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=18242

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