
here are weekly Community Edition for N900 performance (response time) results:


This week's highlights (release stable-CE. 2011-07-18.2):
+ Compared last week following improves observed
        Handset start-up time improved by 0.74%(0.61s)
-       SMS start-up still poor and increased 64%(3.36s)
        Incoming call increased by 15.52%(0.09s)
        browser start-up increased by 11.37%(3.93s)
        Handset shutdown time increased by 15.87%(2.52s)

Note:- Overall response time for the applications has been gone down in this 
weekly release.

Thanks and regards 
Srikanth Yarlagadda (srikanth_rst)
MeeGo.com Test Coordinator
Cell:-+358 ( 0)50 487 3519 
"Try and fail but don't fail to try"
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