#meego-meeting: MeeGo CE, 02 August 2011

Meeting started by msugano at 10:54:53 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Action Followup  (msugano, 10:55:49)
  * No action from the previous meeting.  (msugano, 10:56:01)

* Summer Release  (msugano, 10:56:22)
  * LINK: http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/DeveloperEdition   (msugano,

* The next step  (msugano, 10:59:59)
  * N950 CE support.  (msugano, 11:00:43)
  * ACTION: msugano to followup on the legal clearance on the moslo
    contribution.  (msugano, 11:04:35)

* status in the summer (Stskeeps)  (msugano, 11:14:47)
  * AGPS on N900 works in the testing image.  (msugano, 11:15:16)
  * qt mobility apis are wired up  (msugano, 11:15:24)
  * 950 has been proceeding nicely  (msugano, 11:15:40)
  * LINK: http://cordiatab.com   (msugano, 11:26:23)
  * LINK:
    (msugano, 11:26:31)
  * LINK:
    (msugano, 11:26:45)
  * LINK: http://www.openaos.org   (msugano, 11:27:20)
  * http://www.assembly.org/summer11/  (jukkaeklund_, 11:31:37)
  * ACTION: msugano to propose something more concrete as the next
    target. In general it will be around N950/N9/Apps  (msugano,
  * AGREED: Helium is the main browser for *CE*  (msugano, 11:46:31)
  * ACTION: msugano to make the bug reporting interface visible for the
    applications  (msugano, 11:50:25)

Meeting ended at 11:51:24 UTC.

Action Items
* msugano to followup on the legal clearance on the moslo contribution.
* msugano to propose something more concrete as the next target. In
  general it will be around N950/N9/Apps
* msugano to make the bug reporting interface visible for the

Action Items, by person
* msugano
  * msugano to followup on the legal clearance on the moslo
  * msugano to propose something more concrete as the next target. In
    general it will be around N950/N9/Apps
  * msugano to make the bug reporting interface visible for the
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* msugano (90)
* jukkaeklund_ (68)
* Stskeeps (54)
* harha (19)
* dm8tbr (17)
* lcuk (13)
* veskuh (9)
* timoph (9)
* Sage (7)
* mihalmag (4)
* tkeisala (4)
* jarnoteivas (3)
* zotte (2)
* MeeGoMeetBot` (2)
* jakunnar (2)
* kjokinie (1)
* gabor (1)
* Ronksu (1)
* w00t_ (1)

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