Full logs linked at

#meego-meeting: CE adaptation 18/8/2011

Meeting started by Stskeeps at 08:00:29 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

harri is currently on sick leave so i'm managing these meetings while
he's absent (Stskeeps, 08:01:02)
Status (please write some lines prefixed with #info, finish with
(done) about your work in last week, planned work and any
problems/needing something to do) (Stskeeps, 08:03:22)

Status (please write some lines prefixed with #info, finish with
(done) about your work in last week, planned work and any
problems/needing something to do) (Stskeeps, 08:03:36)
came back from holiday in sweden, starting to help push 1.3 images
work. (Stskeeps, 08:03:49)
worked on changes in kernel CMDLINE in order to set specific rootflags
for the fs, as the current mounting process in fastinit seems to rely
on a rw mount of rootfs and hence we can't remount/change settings
easily (Stskeeps, 08:03:51)
worked on fake obs prototype, as one of the issues we have is that
build.meego.com often go down and since we're relying on both sources
and binaries, we loose a lot of time that could have been used for
development (Stskeeps, 08:03:55)
this prototype basically caches sources and eventually binaries of
whole OBS projects and acts like a OBS would over the wire with public
API (Stskeeps, 08:03:59)
camera ui: Some UI layout improvements and experimental support for
video capture, SR#1162 (joonasta, 08:06:09)
camera ui: Fix ready for bug 20188 but it is still pending for 1.2
release blocker flag. Maybe we just have to push this fix to
pub.meego.com? (joonasta, 08:06:16)
camera ui: camera hw key does not wotk at the moment because of bug
22585 (joonasta, 08:06:23)
camera ui: currently integrating camera app with resource policy
framework (joonasta, 08:06:31)
Back from vacation since this Monday... (Sage, 08:06:58)
Working with the partition alignment patch for mic. Latest version is
available for review at
(Sage, 08:06:59)
Cleaning up the patterns for 1.3 from obsolete MTF and Handset stuff
so we can get the working images. (Sage, 08:07:02)
Changed Project:DE:Trunk:Testing to prjlink which should ease the CE
Release Engineering. (Sage, 08:07:06)
Will start cleaning up the .ks files for 1.3 soon so we could get some
images for testing (Sage, 08:07:09)
MIC has still some differences with yum and zypp backends which needs
to be solved so we could get the priority with zypp backend in use
with CE. (Sage, 08:07:12)
Not really part of the team, but the issue belongs here: submitted SR
1194 to include meego-ux-daemon to CE in order to fix desktop
orientation for tablet images (Ronksu, 08:08:43)
still working on updating kernel to 3.0, power-management patches take
a noticeable amount of time to integrate (kimju, 08:09:47)
created small change to f-irc so that it will now ask the
username,etc. on console prompt and then generating the config if it
does not exist. (lamikr, 08:13:53)
Added some comments to qml dialer contact bug. Mostly busy with other
stuff. (lamikr, 08:14:03)
camera-n900: non-oss library update was transferred fixed some
exposure problems, vf flickering & flash (theodor_, 08:17:14)
camera-n950: things started to progress towards having similar setup
as we have in n900 first. Our aim is to support both devices with
single binary and eventually have developement headers release, but no
promise of it yet. (theodor_, 08:17:27)
camera-kernel: looking forward to advance generic upstream camera
support with 3.0 based kernel and eventually have non-oss that would
be compatible in longer term. (theodor_, 08:17:37)
Looked at bug 22133 that turned out to be duplicate of 20493. The
zypper version from Trunk works but it's not clear which commit is
needed to fix 1.2. I would suggest just updating to newer libzypp
version in 1.2 too. Number of other fixes too. (tukem1, 08:23:21)
libwl1271-bin and wl1271-cal-bin submitted to devel:devices:n900:n950
(tkeisala, 08:24:53)
now working on updating libomap3camd (tkeisala, 08:24:56)
I have 16031 assigned as a critical bug but may not have much time for
it, so it would be nice if somebody else can also debug it. Latest
comment suggest that problem could be in mce, but I think the bug
appeared only after we did the mtf update... (and mce did not get any
updates on that time). (lamikr, 08:25:43)

Meeting ended at 08:36:51 UTC (full logs).

Action items


People present (lines said)

Stskeeps (45)
Sage (12)
lcuk (7)
joonasta (6)
kimju (5)
tukem1 (4)
MeeGoBot (4)
Ronksu (4)
theodor_ (4)
lamikr (3)
tkeisala (3)
MeeGoMeetBot (2)
dm8tbr (1)
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