#meego-meeting: CE adaptation meeting

Meeting started by Stskeeps at 08:09:30 UTC (full logs and minutes) at

Meeting summary

General news (Stskeeps, 08:09:33)
We'll be pushing hard toward rebasing our hardware adaptation on top
of MeeGo 1.3 as september release is based upon this (Stskeeps,

Status (please state some lines prefixed with #info, ending with
(done), and state your intentions regarding 'your' components
(Stskeeps, 08:11:42)
Have been working with the MeeGo 1.3 + MTF image configurations and
scripts. (Sage, 08:11:58)
First MeeGo 1.3 image available with MTF UX packages
(Sage, 08:12:01)
Bug 22718 is blocker for the MTF UX in 1.3 image mentioned above.
(Sage, 08:12:05)
Filed bugs against MeeGo 1.3 about package build errors. (Sage, 08:12:08)
Sent MR to package groups to fix some image creation issues
(Sage, 08:12:10)
bug 22845 is the right 1.3 blocker bug. (Sage, 08:12:35)
Discussing and planning the 1.3/1.4 Community Edition steering/roadmap
to include simple paths and trying to get best advice from all around.
(lcuk, 08:12:45)
look into why collect2 isn't accelerated (Stskeeps, 08:12:53)
Submit to MeeGo: non-timestamp glibc, non-timestamp db4, fix for
automake14 for sgml-common, non-timestamp gzip, build-compare util for
glibc no-rebuilds, non-timestamp binutils (Stskeeps, 08:12:53)
Looked more into 4.8 based wayland impl (Stskeeps, 08:12:57)
submit fakeroot patch, justify glibc timestamp patch to maintainer,
Fix openvpn bad build (Stskeeps, 08:12:59)
Test MTF UI and Qt components on 1.3 (Stskeeps, 08:13:02)
- quite fast components (Stskeeps, 08:13:03)
Collaborative work towards 1.3 image with working MTF UI and repo
setup (Stskeeps, 08:13:06)
Look into BT idle UART issue with user, Look into systemd logind
failure (seems to be hardcoded) (Stskeeps, 08:13:09)
Plans: SGX libraries + xorg-x11-fbdev-sgx upgrade (Stskeeps, 08:13:12)
camera ui: Focusing when the user taps the screen added (joonasta, 08:13:59)
camera ui: Currently trying MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan qt-components with
camera UI (joonasta, 08:14:05)
camera ui: About meego 1.3, qtm camera patches must be rebased
(joonasta, 08:14:17)
Fixed dsme compilation in 1.3. Some waring was needed fix with new
gcc. (kallam, 08:15:02)
started dsme and bme systemd integration (kallam, 08:15:06)
Serious headset audio quality problem during call resolved by
switching alternative and primary buffers in pulseaudio settings for
headset sink. (done) (jpeltonen, 08:15:23)
started locationing integration for n950 (done) (keistom, 08:15:45)
The black dialer icon is caused by wrong icon search order in some
meegotouch component. (ssirkia, 08:16:42)
This causes at least dialer and sms icons to be found first from
packages (/usr/share/pixmaps), second from theme. (ssirkia, 08:16:43)
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