On Fri, 3 Nov 2006, matt wrote:
Using meep, I calculate the fields in a unit cell of a periodic structure.

For visualization of modes, it would be nice to see the pattern in an array of several cells.

I thought perhaps mpb-data would work on meep h5 output, as described in the mpb data analysis tutorial, but this didn't give me the desired results.

Is there something I can do to hack the meep output, so I can use mpb-data, or a way to tweak mpb-data to work on meep output?

In Meep, just use the "in-volume" command to output the data for as many unit cells as you want.

A somewhat hidden feature of Meep is that in any output/computation function that requires a volume, such as in-volume, or the field integration routines, etcetera, it doesn't restrict the output volume to lie within, or even to intersect, the computational cell. Meep should extend the data according to the periodic boundary conditions as needed.


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