Dear Tjeerd, Steven and other meep users,

I am calculating a transmission spectrum through 2D photonic crystal and
I expirienced with the same problem.
For some parameters and when the structure is present I cannot get the
fields to decay, while normalization run is OK.
If length L is set to 16 (see .ctl file below) and n to 90 ( 90th mode --
meaning that transverse momenta equals to 2*\pi*n/sy ) the fields decay
till some value and then blow up.  I tried to experiment a bit, and I have
figured out that the process can be made stable by disabling subpixel
averaging (I hope the following table could be usefull):
parametrs          !   minimal rate    !
res=20,sx=30,   !  1.14*10^-7       !
ph_diff=2\pi       !   then blow up    !
res=20,sx=30,   !  1.10*10^-7       !
ph_diff=0           !   then blow up    !
res=20,sx=50,   !  1.39*10^-7       !
ph_diff=2\pi       !   then blow up   !
res=20,sx=30,   !  1.15*10^-7       !
ph_diff=2\pi       !   then blow up   !
pml_st=2.0        !                            !
res=22,sx=50,   !  5.28*10^-4      !
ph_diff=2\pi       !   then blow up   !
res=22,sx=50,   !  5.26*10^-4      !
ph_diff=0           !   then blow up   !
res=24,sx=50,   !  2.29*10^-6       !
ph_diff=2\pi       !   then blow up   !
res=20,sx=30,   !       < 10^-7       !
ph_diff=2\pi        !                           !
eps-averaging? !                           !
false                    !                           !
where "res" -- resolution, "ph_diff" -- phase difference between top and
bottom of the computational cell,
"pml_st" -- strenght of pml layers.
In this example the decay rate was set to 10^-7; however for some other
parameters and structures fields decay at most till  0.001. It could be that
for the same mode they decay for  L=5  or  10  and blow up for L=9.

So, try to (set! eps-averaging? false) and see whether it blows up or not.

P.S. I also noticed that setting phase difference to get periodic boundary
conditions to  0  instead of 2\pi decreases remarkably memory usage.

ctl file:

(define-param pmlthick  5)
(define-param sx (+  30 (* 2 pmlthick)) )
(define-param sy 300)
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))

(define-param norm false)

(define-param f 0.431) ; filling fraction f~(4 Pi r^2)/(2 Sqrt[3] a^2)
(define-param eps 14) ; dielectric

(define-param L 16)
(define-param a 1) ; lattice constant (distance between neibouhring rods)
(define-param N (+ 1 (* 2 (round (/ (* 0.5 L) (* (sqrt 3) a)) ) )))
(define-param r (* (sqrt (* f (/ (* 2 (sqrt 3)) (* 4 pi)))) a)) ; radius of

(if (not norm)
(set! geometry

   (geometric-objects-duplicates (vector3 (* 1.73205 a) 0) (* -1 (/ (- N 1)
2))  (/ (- N 1) 2)
      (geometric-object-duplicates (vector3 0 a) 0 (+ (/ sy a) 1)
      (make cylinder (center 0  (* -0.5 sy)) (radius r) (height infinity)
             (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps))))

   (geometric-objects-duplicates (vector3 (* 1.73205 a) 0) (* -1 (/ (- N 1)
2)) (- (/ (- N 1) 2) 1)
      (geometric-object-duplicates (vector3 0 a) 0 (/ sy a)
      (make cylinder (center (* 0.5 (* 1.73205 a)) (+ (* -1 (* 0.5 sy)) (*
0.5 a))) (radius r) (height infinity)
             (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps))))


(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness pmlthick) (direction X) )))
(set-param! k-point (vector3 0 0) )

(set! resolution 20)

(define-param fcen 0.4) ; pulse center frequency
(define-param df 0.06)    ; pulse width (in frequency)

(define-param n 0)
(define-param K (vector3 0(/ (* (* 2 pi) n) sy)) )

(define ((pw-amp K y0) y)
 (exp (* 0+1i (vector3-dot K (vector3+ y y0)))))

(set! sources (list
              (make source
                (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
                (component Hz)
                (center (+ pmlthick (* -0.5 sx)) 0)
                (size 0 sy)
                (amp-func (pw-amp K (vector3 0 (* 0.5 sy))))

(define-param nfreq 100) ; number of frequencies at which to compute flux
(define trans ; transmitted flux
     (add-flux fcen df nfreq
                (make flux-region
                    (center (- (* 0.5 sx) (+ 1 pmlthick)) 0) (size 0 sy))))
(define refl ; reflected flux
     (add-flux fcen df nfreq
                (make flux-region
                   (center (+ (+ 1 pmlthick)  (* -0.5 sx)) 0) (size 0

(if (not norm) (load-minus-flux "refl-flux" refl))

  (stop-when-fields-decayed 50 Hz
                          (vector3 (- (* 0.5 sx) (+ 1 pmlthick)) (-
(* 0.5sy) 2))
                          1e-7) )

(if norm (save-flux "refl-flux" refl))

(display-fluxes trans refl)


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