Looks like a guile/guile-devel version mismatch to me. Your install
command failed because there was an existing version.

Instead of "yum install" try "yum update"


Jiha Sung wrote:
> Dear MEEP Helper:
> Recently I have been trying to install MEEP and related interfaces into 
> a Linux(Fedora 7). I followed the instructions in web pages and I think 
> everything was installed. Summary of my MEEP installation procedure is 
> listed at the end of this mail. However, when I tested the first example 
> in the MEEP tutorial page 
> (http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Meep_Tutorial ). I do not get 
> the right output. I wrote the input, outputs, and error messages below. 
> Can somebody tell me what is wrong?
> Input file (ex1.ctl);
>               (reset-meep)
>               (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 16 8 no-size)))
>               (set! geometry (list
>               (make block (center 0 0) (size infinity 1 infinity)
>               (material (make dielectric (epsilon 12))))))
>               (set! source (list
>                           (make source
>                           (src (make continuous-src (frequency 0.15)))
>                           (component Ez)
>                           (center -7 0))))
>               (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 1.0))))
>               (set! resolution 10)
>               (run-until 200
>                         (at-beginning output-epsilon)
>                         (at-end output-efield-z))
> Output message:
>           -----------
>            Initializing structure...
>           Working in 2D dimensions.
>                 block, center = (0,0,0)
>                 size (1e+20,1,1e+20)
>                 axes (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)
>                dielectric constant epsilon = 12
>          time for set_epsilon = 0.0223849 s
>          -----------
>        creating output file "./ex1-eps-000000.00.h5"...
>        creating output file "./ex1-ez-000200.00.h5"...
>        run 0 finished at t = 200.0 (4000 timesteps)
>        Elapsed run time = 0.191832 s
> Deprecated error message:
>       SCM_STRINGP is deprecated.  Use scm_is_string instead.
>       SCM_STRING_LENGTH is deprecated.  Use scm_c_string_length instead.
>       scm_must_malloc is deprecated.  Use scm_gc_malloc and scm_gc_free 
> instead.
>       SCM_STRING_CHARS is deprecated.  See the manual for alternatives.
>       scm_must_free is deprecated.  Use scm_gc_malloc and scm_gc_free 
> instead.
> Outputs:
>     ex1-eps-000000.00.h5 looks O.K.
>     ex1-ez-000200.00.h5 shows all 0's (when converted using "h5totxt")
> Thanks in advance.
> Jiha
> Summary of MEEP installation (Jan. 8 – Jan. 12, 2007)
> For the functions of the programs to be installed, please read the MEEP 
> installation page.
> (http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Meep_Installation )
> 1. Installing guile (This installation is not difficult)
> In any root directories,
> % yum list | grep guile
> % yum install guile-devel.x86.64
> % guile --version → It shows guile 1.8.1 is installed
> 2. Installing libctl (This installation is not difficult.)
> Downloaded “libctl-3.0.2.tar.tar” into /root/Download.
> In /root/Download,
> % tar –xvf libctl-3.0.2
> % mv libctl-3.0.2 ..
> % cd /root/libctl-3.0.2
> % ./configure
>   (If there comes error messages “Permission denied”,
> then “configure” file should be made executable;
> % chmod 744 configure
> % chmod 744 install-sh )
> % make
> % make install
>  This produced “gen-ctl-io” in /usr/local/bin,
>                 “libctl.a”, “libctlgeom.a”, “libctlgeom.1a”, libctl.la” 
> in /usr/local/lib
>                 “ctlgeom.h”, “ctl-geom-types.h”, “ctl.h” in 
> /usr/local/include
>                 “gen-ctl-io.1” in /usr/local/man/man1
>               many files in /usr/local/share/libctl/base and 
> /usr/local/share/libctl/utils
> 3. Installing hdf5 (This installation needs care.)
> I followed the instructions of SCI institute web page
> (http://software.sci.utah.edu/doc/Installation/Guide/osx/sec.sr_hdf5_build.html
> ).
> There are also instructions in CBLFS web pages 
> (http://cblfs.cross-lfs.org/index.php/HDF5 and 
> http://cblfs.cross-lfs.org/index.php/H5utils).
>  % Downloaded “hdf5-1.6.6.tar.gz” into /root/Download
>  In the /root/Download directory,
>  % gunzip < hdf5-1.6.6.tat.gz | tar xf
>  % cd /root/hdf5-1.6.6
>  % CC=gcc
>  % CXX=g++
>  % export CC CXX
>  % ./configure --enable-threadsafe --with-pthread=/usr --prefix=/usr/local
>  % make all
>  % make install
>  This produced files in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/doc.
> Finally, the followings are needed; check if there is a line 
> /usr/local/lib in
> /etc/ld.so.conf and run /sbin/ldconfig.
> 4. Installing libpng and libpng-devel
> This is needed to install “h5toping” in h5utils package. “libpng” is 
> usually installed in Linux systems, but the header files need to be 
> installed through “libpng-devel”.
>  % yum list | grep libpng
>   (“libpng.x86_64” was already installed.)
>  % yum install libpng-devel.x86_64  
> 5. Installing h5utils (Once the installations of 3 and 4 are done 
> correctly, this is simple.)
> Downloaded “h5utils-1.10.1.tar.tar” into /root/Downloaded
> In the directory,
>   % tar –xvf h5utils-1.10.1.tar.tar
>   % mv h5utils-1.10.1 ..
>   % cd /root/h5utils-1.10.1
>   % ./configure
>   % make
>   % make install
> This installed “h5toping”, “h5totxt”, “h5fromtxt”, “h5tovtk” in 
> /usr/local/bin.
>             and many other files in /usr/local/share/h5utils.
> 6.  Installing BLAS and LAPACK
>     Downloaded “blas.gz” into /root/Download.
>     In the directory, the file name is changed to “blas.tgz”.
>       % gunzip blas.tgz
>     % tar xf blas.tar
>       % cd BLAS
>       % g77 –c –O3 *.f
>       % ar rv libblas.a *.o
>       % cp libblas.a /usr/local/lib
>     Downloaded “lapack.gz” into /root/Download.
>     In the directory, the file name is changed to “lapack.tgz”.
>       % gunzip lapack.tgz
>     % tar xf lapack.tar
>       % cd lapack-3.1.1
>       % cp INSTALL/make.inc.LINUX make.inc
>       Edit “make.inc” for BLASLIB
>        (BLASLIB = /usr/local/lib/libblas.a)
>       % make
>       % cp lapack_LINUX.a /usr/local/lib /liblapack.a
> 7.  Installing Harmiv
> Since this is not critical to run MEEP, I did not install it this time. 
> It can be installed later. Then, the MEEP has to be complied again.
> 8.  Installing MEEP.
> (Once all the required interfaces are installed, installing it is simple.)
> Downloaded “meep-0.10.1.tar.tar into /root/Download-xvf
> In the directory,
>   % tar –xvf meep-0.10.1.tar.tar
>   % mv meep-0.10.1 ..
>   % cd /root/ meep-0.10.1
>   % ./configure
>   % make
>   % make install
> This produced “meep” in /usr/local/bin, and some files
>  in /usr/local/include/meep and in /usr/local/share/meep.
> This should be ready to run test files in MEEP tutorial 
> (http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Meep_Tutorial ).
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