Dear Prof. Steven and Meep users,
I'm worried about my frequency setting in Meep, in the tutorial it says that 
frequency in meep is in units of 2πc/a, so if c is the speed of light in this 
equation (not 1 as it sometimes says), then I need to convert my frequency 
according to this formula, so if I have f=100 Hz for example then I should 
define my source frequency to   100(2πc/a) where c=299792458, so if I have a = 
1 m, then frequency is 100(2πc/1)=1.8836e11?! so the wavelength is c/frequency 
=1.59e-3 ? Or I just can define the regular wavelength of c/f =speed of 
I'm confused about this term and it is a major term in my simulation, please 
let me know, any kind of help or hint is very appreciated.
Thank you very much 
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