2009/1/23 Nathan <nhunt...@smu.edu>

> Hello list,
> I am trying to install meep on a linux cluster running Ubuntu 6,
> (Dapper).  Meep isn't in the repositories, so I need to compile itfrom
> the source.  My problem is getting the --with-mpi flag to work.  I have
> installed the Dapper implementation of mpich-bin and verified that all
> of the libraries are installed.  When I run
> ./configure --with-mpi ...  I get the following errors
> checking for mpic++......no
> checking for mpiCC.....no
> checking for mpicxx.... no
> checking for hcp....no
> checking for mpxlC....no
> checking for mpxlC_r....no
> checking for cmpic++...no
> checking for MPI_Init....no
> checking for MPI_Init in -lmpi ...no
> checking for MPI_Init in -lmpich ...no
> configure: error: could not find mpi library for --with-mpi
> Is there another mpi package I need install?  Or do I need to set a flag
> somewhere?

You should install -dev packages for your choice of MPI - e.g libmpich-dev,
lam4-dev, openmpi-dev, with corresponding library. On 6.06 they may have
slightly different names.
There is another choice to build mpi - download source paskages for newer
ubuntu distro's and rebuild them for older (backporting) - look for pbuilder
and prevu packages - they do it almost automagically.

Nizamov SHawkat
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