Please, I need good advice. Let me to show my problem closer. You can see 
(enclosed), how my initial magnetic field from static analysis looks. 
It is non-continous, because the current source is present in it. I can get the 
magnetic intensity Hx, Hy values only in nodes. I have regular mesh now, but I 
need to have irregular mesh in the future, because variety core shapes. I can 
create whatever text file with Hx Hy. I must say, I am not used to program in 
Scheme, I do little bit in C and C++. I would do executacle files, which could 
have as parameters x, y coordinates and to get Hx, Hy interpolation. I would 
deal with field intensity non-continuities. 
Can such executable be called from Scheme?
Is this way of C executable right? Should I start this? Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 4:19 PM
To: Michal Martinů
Subject: Re: FIELD


that will not work. Non constantField strength has to be defined depending
on the coordinate vector v3.


> Ernst, have you meant
> (define (my_Hmagx v3)
>    0.643873E+03   0.250000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
>   -0.259792E-13   0.600000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
>   -0.159389E+03   0.320000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
> )
> (define (my_Hmagy v3)
>    0.312191E+03   0.310000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
>    0.288839E+03   0.320000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
>    0.268434E+03   0.330000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
> )
> (define (my_Eelez v3)
>    0.100000E-02   0.310000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
>    0.100000E-02   0.320000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
>    0.100000E-02   0.330000E+02   0.500000E+01   0.000000E+00
> )
> (init-fields)
> (meep-fields-initialize-field fields Hx my_Hmagx)
> (meep-fields-initialize-field fields Hy my_Hmagy)
> (meep-fields-initialize-field fields Ez my_Eelez)
> ???
> It has no problem to run, but the field is not initiated.
> Have a nice weekend.
> Michal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 8:09 AM
> To: Michal Martinù
> Subject: Re: FIELD
>  Michal,
> I used this feature to implement earths magnetic field in a calculation.
> Its assumed constant over the model.
> In your case the my_magx/y/z functions have to define the field
> values using the vetcor v3 values.
> Ernst
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ; earth magnetic field function
> (define scalem 1e-6)   ; scale factor for H absolute field strengths
> adaption
>                        ; >~ 1e-7
> (define mu_0 1.2566e-6)
> (define Bh 20e-6)        ;Tesla     horizontal
> (define Bv 44e-6)        ;          vertical    (Europe mid lat.)
> (define Hh (/ Bh mu_0))  ; A/m
> (define Hv (/ Bv mu_0))
> (set! Hh  (* Hh scalem))
> (set! Hv  (* Hv scalem))
> (define (my_magx v3)
>         0                    ; here v3 depending values have to appear
> )
> (define (my_magy v3)
>         Hv                   ; here v3 depending values have to appear
> )
> (define (my_magz v3)
>         Hh                   ; here v3 depending values have to appear
> )
> (init-fields)
> (meep-fields-initialize-field fields Hx my_magx)
> (meep-fields-initialize-field fields Hy my_magy)
> (meep-fields-initialize-field fields Hz my_magz)
> __________ Informace od NOD32 3964 (20090326) __________
> Tato zprava byla proverena antivirovym systemem NOD32.

__________ Informace od NOD32 3969 (20090327) __________

Tato zprava byla proverena antivirovym systemem NOD32.

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