Dear all,

I am trying to simulate a surface plasmon on a Ag/SiO2 
interface with the code below. However, meep fails the find any 
frequencies. If I substitute Ag by an other material the simulation 
doesn't crash but somehow with Ag it does. I already plotted the model 
in Matlab to see if the conversion was done well and it perfectly match 
with the original dielectric function I get from the drude model. Does 
anyone know what is going wrong ?

Thanks in advance for the 

Kind regards

(define-param a 50)
 geometry-lattice (make lattice (size no-size 25 no-size)))
 resolution 40)

(define c 299792458e9) ;in nm/s
(define h 
(define e 1.602189e-19)

(define eVconca (/ (* c 
h) (* a e))) ; convert from eV to c/a

;Ag fitted 01-06-2010; 
range 400-700 nm
(define AgdEpsInf 1)
(define AgdOmega (/ 0.001 
(define AgdGamma (/ 0.1036 eVconca))
(define Agplasma (/
 9.1 eVconca))
(define AgdSigma (/ (* Agplasma Agplasma) (* AgdOmega 
(define Ag
    (make dielectric (epsilon AgdEpsInf)
            (make polarizability (omega AgdOmega)
 (gamma AgdGamma) (sigma AgdSigma)))))
;SiO2 fitted     
  (make dielectric (epsilon 2.1609))) ;refractive index of 1.47
(set! geometry (list
                (make block (center 0 -7.5 )
 (size infinity 10 infinity)
                    (material  Ag))
             (make block (center 0 5 ) (size infinity 15 infinity)
                 (material SiO2))
(set! pml-layers (list
                (make pml 
(thickness 1.0) (direction Y))))

 fcen 0.09785) 
(define-param df 0.02685) 

(set! sources 
                (make source (src
            (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
                     (component Ey) (center 0 -2.5 ) )))
;(run-until 200
 ;(at-beginning output-epsilon)
     ;(to-appended "ez" (at-every 0.6 output-efield-y)))
(define-param k-interp 20)
(define kpts (interpolate 
k-interp (list (vector3 0.079 0 0) (vector3 0.72 0 0))))
all-freqs (run-k-points 100 kpts))

(map (lambda (kx fs)
    (map (lambda (f)
            (print "dispersion:," kx "," 
(real-part f) ", " (imag-part f) "\n"))
vector3-x kpts) all-freqs)

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