Dear Meep users,

I met a problem when I use h5topng to output a 2D slice from a 3D
dataset. My 3d dataset is 160*80*80 array. I want to output the 2 D
slice at z=1, I input the command :

h5topng -z 1 -R -Zc dkbluered -a yarg -A ez-000200.00.h5

There is nothing happend. And there will appear something like below:

Usage: h5topng [options] [<filenames>]
         -h : this help message
         -V : print version number and copyright
         -v : verbose output
  -o <file> : output to <file> (first input file only)
    -x <ix> : take x=<ix> slice of data (or <min>:<inc>:<max>)
    -y <iy> : take y=<iy> slice of data
    -z <iz> : take z=<iz> slice of data
    -t <it> : take t=<it> slice of data's last dimension
         -0 : use dataset center as origin for -x/-y/-z
    -X <sx> : scale width by <sx> [ default: 1.0 ]
    -Y <sy> : scale height by <sy> [ default: 1.0 ]
     -S <s> : equivalent to -X <s> -Y <s>
  -s <skew> : skew axes by <skew> degrees [ default: 0 ]
         -T : transpose the data [default: no]
  -c <cmap> : use colormap <cmap> [default: gray]
              (see /usr/local/share/h5utils/colormaps/ for other colormaps)
         -r : reverse color map [default: no]
         -Z : center color scale at zero [default: no]
   -m <min> : set bottom of color scale to data value <min>
   -M <max> : set top of color scale to data value <max>
         -R : use uniform colormap range for all files
  -C <file> : superimpose contour outlines from <file>
   -b <val> : contours around values != <val> [default: 1.0]
  -A <file> : overlay data from <file>, as specified by -y
  -a <c>:<o>: overlay colormap <c>, opacity <o> (0-1) [default: yellow:0.2]
         -8 : use an 8-bit color table, instead of 24-bit direct color
  -d <name> : use dataset <name> in the input files (default: first dataset)
              -- you can also specify a dataset via <filename>:<name>

I tried many times and change the value ,make the place at
z=0,z=2,z=10 etc. But the situation is the same. So I don'e know how
to solve this problem.

Thank you for your help!


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