Dear Prof. Johnson and Meep community members,
I apologize if this message appears similar on the post in the MPB-discuss newsgroup. I have a question about how to use Meep to solve a problem on curved waveguides (circular ring). My goal is to obtain the effective index and mode profile of the quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes in a curved waveguide in 3D. I have read the holey waveguide tutorial where the w(k) relation was obtained once a cell unit is defined and the direction of periodicity of the Bloch wavevector k is also defined. My problem is how do I define the periodicity of a 3D circular ring waveguide. One approach I was thinking of is that perhaps the wavevector should have two components in the x and y directions following a circular path. Please correct me if that is not the case. I appreciate any comments or alternative approaches you may know about. Thanks for your time.


German "Rick" Vargas

Florida International University

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