Dear meep users,
I have a quick and simple question and hope you can help me.
My code ends with the statement:
(run-until 200
        (at-beginning output-epsilon)
        (to-appended "ez" (at-every 0.6 output-efield-z))

If I change 200 to for example 1000 the ez.h5 also becomes bigger. But when I am doing a conversion to png afterwards using:

h5ls ez.h5
h5topng -S3 eps-000000.00.h5
h5topng -t 0:329 -R -Zc dkbluered -a yarg -A eps-000000.00.h5 ez.h5
convert ez.t*.png ez.gif

I always only get 329 pictures, not depending time of simulation ist 200 or 1000...

Do you have an idea, what the problem here is?
Thanks a lot!

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