
I am now installing a parallel-meep on our server, which runs a RHEL. I
think all the installation related procedures are finished successfully, and
BLAS, LAPACK, Harminv, guile, libctl, mpi-hdf5 and mpi-meep have all been
installed successfully. However, it seems meep-mpi can not recognize any ctl
file at all! For instance, the following file is the one I used:

; test code, 2D, x-direction: periodic condition, y-direction: PML

; environment setups
(set! ensure-periodicity true) ; use periodic boundary condition
(set! eps-averaging? true) ; use eps-averaging
(set! filename-prefix "Test") ; name prefix
(set! progress-interval 30) ; print a grogress message every 30 seconds

; some parameters to describe the geometry
(define-param eps-Si (* 3.418 3.418)) ; dielectric constant of Si
(define-param structure? true) ; flag for the existence of the structure

; cell dimensions
(define-param sx 2) ; size of cell in x direction, 1um
(define-param sy 10) ; size of cell in y direction, 10um
(define-param dpml 1) ; PML thickness

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))
(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Y) (thickness 1))))
(set-param! resolution 10)
(set-param! k-point (vector3 0 0))

(define-param fcen 0.5) ; center frequency, 2um
(define-param df 0.2) ; frequency width

(set! sources (list
        (make source
            (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
            (component Ex) (center 0 (* -0.25 sy)) (size sx 0))))

(if structure?
    (set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0) (size infinity 1 infinity)
(material (make dielectric (epsilon eps-Si)))))

(define-param nfreq 100) ; number of frequencies at which to compute flux
(define trans
    (add-flux fcen df nfreq
        (make flux-region (center 0 (* sy 0.25)) (size 1 0))

(define (my-getpoint)
    (print "getfield: " (meep-time) " " (get-field-point Ex (vector3 0 (* sy
0.25) 0)) " \n")
(run-sources+ 1000
    (at-beginning output-epsilon)
    (at-every 1 (output-png Ex "-Zc bluered"))
;    (at-every 0.1 my-getpoint)

(display-fluxes trans)

When I used 'mpirun -np 8 meep-mpi test.ctl' to run my simulation, I got the
following errors:

    line1: syntax error near unexpected token ';'
    line1: ; test code, 2D, x-direction: periodic condition, y-direction:

I also tried many other files, but meep-mpi recognized none of them. It's
really bizarre. I have tried to reinstall meep-mpi several times, but this
problem remains. Could anybody give me some suggestions? What may lead to
this bizarre error?

Thanks a lot!


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