Dear Steven & meep users

I am trying to simulate plasmonic structures with meep. for example, I want
to output the transmision spectrum of the following paper with meep for
strip and one-teeth MIM but the results are not the same.

Xian-Shi Lin and Xu-Guang Huang; ' *Tooth-shaped plasmonic waveguide filters
with nanometeric sizes* ' ; OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 33, No. 23 / December 1,

As it can be seen in mentioned paper, there is no transmision for the
wavelength of 783 nm but in meep it passes almost perfectly.

Really this is a misunderstanding for me and i dont know how to overcome it.
the code i have used is as below:
Drude parameters is the same as above paper

Best regards

M. Kamali

;    ________________________
;    |                                                    |
;    |                           _                       |
;    |____________| |__________|
;----->                                            ------>
;    ________________________  output
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;    |                                                   |
;    |                                                   |
;    ................................................
(define-param a 100e-9)            ; fundamental scale unit
(define ac (/ a 2.9979E+08))
(define-param pol Hz)              ; light polarization
(set! resolution 20)
(define-param lam 783e-9)          ; wavelength
(define-param fcen (/ a lam))      ; central frequency
(define-param df (/ fcen 10))              ; band width
(define H 2)               ; width of metal block around the waveguide
(define h 0.5)             ; air waveguide width
(define padx 2)             ; space along x direction between structure and
pml layer
(define pady 0)               ; space along y direction between structure
and pml layer
(define dpml 1)
(define lx 10)                ; length of metallic block
(define-param ly (+ h (* 2 H) (* 2 pady)))
(define-param sx (+ lx (* 2 padx) (* 2 dpml)))          ; size of cell in X
(define-param sy (+ ly (* 2 dpml)))      ; size of cell in Y direction
(define yb1 (/ (+ H h) 2))                     ; y position of up metal
(define yb2 (- 0 yb1))                          ; y position of down metal
(define xsrc (+ (/ sx -2) dpml))             ; x position of source
(define xflux1 (+ (/ lx -2) 1))                 ; x position of input window
(define xflux2 (- (/ lx 2) 1))                   ; x position of output
(define Ag (make medium (epsilon 3.7)
             (make polarizability
                    (omega (* ac 1e-5))
                    (gamma (* ac 2.73e13))
                    (sigma (* (/ 1.38e16 1e-5) (/ 1.38e16 1e-5)))))
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))
(set! geometry
        (make block
            (center 0)
            (size infinity h infinity)
            (material air))
        (make block
            (center 0 yb1)
            (size lx H infinity)
            (material Ag))
        (make block
            (center 0 yb2)
            (size lx H infinity)
            (material Ag))
        (make block
            (center 0 (/ (+ h 1) 2))
            (size 0.5 1 infinity)
            (material air)))
(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 1.0))))
(set! sources (list
           (make source
              (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
              (component pol)
              (center xsrc)
(define-param nfreq 1000)
(define input
  (add-flux fcen (* 1 df) nfreq
      (make flux-region
        (center xflux1 0)
        (size 0 (* 1 h)))))
(define output
  (add-flux fcen (* 1 df) nfreq
      (make flux-region
        (center xflux2 0)
        (size 0 (* 1 h)))))
(run-sources+  (* 5 sx)
           (at-beginning output-epsilon)
           (to-appended "Hz" (at-every 1 output-hfield-z))
(display-fluxes input output)
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