On Tue, 2 Aug 2011 08:49:47 -0400, "J. Steele Parris" <parri...@vcu.edu>
> The tip is a 1x1x4 nickel block that has been cut to a pyramid point on
> side and affixed to a nickel layer (1 unit thick) and a silicon
> There is also a thin layer of silver on the pyramid point of the tip.

Ok, so - if you haven't tried that already - I would try and see what
happens if the tip is not cut to a point, but to a wide end-tip (blunted,
so to say). Actually (still admitting hat you haven't yet done that), I
would first of all try and see what happens with a sphere, that should
clarify whether the problem is due to the complex geometry of the tip or to
something else. I know that this isn't terribly helpful, but this is how I
would proceed if I had the same problem.

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