Hello Meep users,
Can somebody please help me with the MEEP frequency domain solver properly?
I have tried a number of things but I am not getting anything out in my .h5
file, and I am not sure if this is working at all.
My first question is : What should we initialize the field with ? I understand
that in time domain one has initial field at t = 0, but in frequency domain what
is the value of initial field? This does not make any sense to me. I am not sure
if I have initialized the field properly here.

Below is the .ctl file that I am currently using to simulate field lines (or the
Greens function) for a point source in 2D. Can somebody please point out what
the problem is with this piece of code ? I will truly appreciate and be very
thankful to you for your help and time .

(reset-meep) ; resets meep
(set! resolution 10) ; grid resolution
(set! dimensions 2) ; dimension
(set! force-complex-fields? true) ; complex fields

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 21 21 no-size) )) 
; computational domain

(set! sources (list (make source (src (make continuous-src (frequency 6.29)))
(center 0 0 0) (component Ex) ))) 
; current source at the center

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 1)))) 
; PML layers in all direction

(define my-fields fields)

(meep-fields-solve-cw fields) ;

(output-efield-x ) ; x-comp of E-field

;(output-png+h5 Ex h5topng "-c colormap")

(set! filename-prefix "2D") 
; output file name in this case is FreeSpaceTE_PMLMeep-2D

(use-output-directory MEEP_OUT) 



Following is the output I get on my computer (Mac OSX 10.6 Intel core duo):

Initializing structure...
Working in 2D dimensions.
Computational cell is 21 x 21 x 0 with resolution 10
time for set_epsilon = 0.287525 s
final residual = 1.92294e-09
Finished solve_cw after 81 steps and 20 CG iters.
creating output file "./FreeSpaceTE_PMLMeep-ex-000000.05.h5"...
ERROR: Unbound variable: MEEP_OUT

Why do I get that error and why does the output file name has prefix 000000.05
and not "2D" in it?

Thanks for reading this post and helping me out.

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