Hello meep users


At beginning I will explaim what I was trying to do. I want to make liveCD of Ubuntu system with meep and all required packages. There is fine package to do this which is called Ubuntu Customization Kit (UCK). During this proggram console is opened where man can add all required packages, users and so on. Earlier it was possible to use package from repository (apt-get install meep h5utils) but now UCK console returns information E: Unable to Locate Package. So I decided to do it manually. I've download and install all packages (h5utils, FFTW, lilbctl, HDF5, MPB, Harminv, meep). After that livecd is created.


After that, for tests, I'm computing simple structure, code below:


(define-param sx 16) ; size of cell in X direction                             
(define-param sy 32) ; size of cell in Y direction                             
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))
(define-param pad 4) ; padding distance between waveguide and cell edge        
(define-param w 1) ; width of waveguide   
(define wvg-ycen (* -0.5 (- sy w (* 2 pad)))) ; y center of horiz. wvg         
(define wvg-xcen (* 0.5 (- sx w (* 2 pad)))) ; x center of vert. wvg 
(define-param no-bend? false) ; if true, have straight waveguide, not bend

           (make block
             (center (* -0.5 pad) wvg-ycen)
             (size (- sx pad) w infinity)
             (material (make dielectric (epsilon 12))))
           (make block
             (center wvg-xcen (* 0.5 pad))
             (size w (- sy pad) infinity)
             (material (make dielectric (epsilon 12)))))

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 1.0))))
(set-param! resolution 20)
(set! sources (list
                (make source
        (src (make continuous-src (frequency 0.58)))
                 (component Hz)
                 (center (+ 1 (* -0.5 sx)) -11.5) (size 0 1))))
(run-until 250
    (at-beginning output-epsilon)
    (to-appended "hz" (at-every 0.6 output-hfield-z)))


Yes yes, this is structure from meep tutorial. After computation program returns: HDF5 infinite loop closing library

D,G,S,T,F,FD,P,FD,PFD,FD and so on. That's one.

But meep creates output directory and eps-00-000000.h5 and hz.h5 files. When doing h5ls hz.h5 program returns hz.h5: unable to open file. Ofcourse h5topng also desn't work.


Maybe anyone have some ideas why this things have place. I mean errors after installation. Or maybe someone know why UCK doesn't find packages when doing apt-get install... Any help is very welcome.

O! I've almost forgot. apt-get install meep h5utils works fine when doing on "pure" system.


Best regards


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