
MPI requires an overhead (of passing data between the processors, etc.). For
short simulations you might not gain (wallclock) time at all, or even lose

Try a long / large simulation and see if it has any effect.

Good luck and regards,

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Mehdi Askari <ask...@shirazu.ac.ir> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Does anyone know how I can run my simulation with a multiprocessor system
> to get a faster run?
> I have installed meep-mpi and mpich2 on my ubuntu. For a parallel meep
> running I do steps below,
> 1) I type "mpd &" in terminal
> 2) I type "mpirun -np 8 meep-mpi test.ctl" in terminal.
> It starts running the simulation with all 8 processors of my computer.
> Everything seems to go well but unfortunately the simulation ends in a very
> much longer time (about 10 times longer). I am confused, please help. :-(
> Thanks.
> Mehdi
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