a) Use: h5ls MYFILE.h5
b) This depends on your geometry settings, but you may repeat
exporting different slices from HDF, as well as you may put multiple
meep.fields.output_hdf5() functions in the time stepping cycle.
Once I would like to write a little howto on this topic...

P. S. Note that the HDF slices may use time as one axis, providing
interesting time-unrolled images. See

2012/8/31, Chiraag Nataraj <chir...@caltech.edu>:
> Thanks Filip!  How do I figure out
> a) how many time slices there are and
> b) which x (or y or z) slice to choose?
> Thanks in advance!
> - Chiraag
>> The possibly simplest and least effective approach is to store whole
>> 3+1D data from the simulation to a HDF5 file. One has to be careful
>> that the file may grow really big (gigabytes...).
>> After running the simulation, one can export the animated data using
>> the e. g. similar commands (on Linux with Imagemagick installed):
>>   rm *png
>>   h5topng -x 13 -t 0:359 -R -Zc dkbluered -a yarg MYFILE.h5
>>   convert -delay 2 *png slice_x13.gif
>> In this case, the command specifies the 13th slice of X, producing Y-Z
>> slices. With time going through all 360 slices, we create 360
>> consecutive PNG images and the last command creates an animated GIF
>> file.
>> Note that with this approach the file size grows with fourth power of
>> resolution! For higher resolutions it is advisable to save only the
>> slices we want, specifying a 2D volume in the meep time stepping
>> routine. I am using Python-MEEP, but scheme version should be similar:
>>   (...)
>>   ex_YZ_file = prepareHDF5File("ex_YZ.h5")
>>   while (f.time() < (f.last_source_time()*2):
>>       f.step()
>>       f.output_hdf5(Ex,
>>              volume(vec(size_x/2, 0., 0.), vec(size_x/2, size_y,
>> size_z)),
>>              ex_YZ_file, 1)
>> Best regards,
>> Filip
>> 2012/8/31, Chiraag Nataraj <chir...@caltech.edu>:
>>> Hey guys!
>>> I'm trying to figure out exactly how 3D stuff works with respect to the
>>> post-processing.  Yeah, MEEP does the 3D simulation and all, but where
>>> do
>>> you go from there?  I'm not exactly sure how you're supposed to use the
>>> data given by MEEP.
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Chiraag
>>>> Hey guys!
>>>> Sorry for spamming the list, but as I was playing around just now, I
>>>> also
>>>> couldn't understand exactly how the slices work when you render a 3D
>>>> object in MEEP.  MEEP is fine with it, parses it, and comes up with the
>>>> H5
>>>> files.  However, I'm trying to figure out exactly how the slices work.
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>> - Chiraag
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