Hi, Sophia, as far as I know, it is possible to overlap any material
with PML. The PML condition however applies for the whole boundary, so
it can not be defined in its part only.

Note I had some numerical stability issues when the PML was defined on
one axis only while the other boundaries were periodic. The
nearly-grazing incidence waves could be slightly _amplified_ by PML.
This problem never happened when the PML was at all boundaries, nor it
happened when the structure was defined with sufficient losses.


2014-08-09 17:15 GMT+02:00, Sophia Fox <sa...@bath.ac.uk>:
> Hello,
> I was wondering is it at all possible to have material on top of the
> PML? The reason I ask is I'd like to only have part of the PML along
> the same axis...
> Sophie
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