Dear Steven and Meep users,

It has been several days since I have been able to post. Issues have

1 - In my Meep model I am using a dielectric resonator made of
PE. High density PE has a dielectric constant = 2.3. across a broad
range of frequencies. Do I use this value as the value of epsilon, as
(material (make dielectric (epsilon 2.3))) ? 
Or does it need to be scaled somehow into Meep units? If so, How is it

2 - I am using Copper, courtesy of  Aaron Webster - The data
Normalization length=1e-06 in meter. What does that mean to me
specifically with respect to my lattice size and resolution? Also see 3,

3 - I am modeling a closed truncated copper cone resonator with very
thin copper ends. A 2-D model. The general dimensions of the cone are
0.10 to 0.30 meter, the end thicknesses are 5e-5 meters and the drive
frequency is 2 GHz. For low resolution h5topng does not show the ends
but for high resolution (400) Meep does not execute succesfully for
lattice sizes large enough to contain the device. I would like to use
meep length a=1e-6 but that seems unapproachable. What am I missing in
my understanding of scaling, lattice size and resolution?

4 - I have tried to use symmetry to speed the calculations. It does, but
my cone does not maintain its shape. That is, this code

;(set! symmetries (list                                 ;
;        (make rotate4-sym (direction 1) (phase (if xodd? -1 +1)))
;       (make rotate2-sym (direction 2))
;      (make rotate4-sym (direction 1)   )  ; (phase -1)        defaults
to +1
;                                                    ))

in all cases results in an h5topng image of my cone cut in the y-z plane
with one end reversed and joined to the same end. Is this a Bug or again
just my flawed understanding of the workings of symmetry in meep?

5 - I can run my model using cylindrical coordinates which speeds the
calculations tremendously but I don't understand how to generate 2-D
images for presentation. Is it possible? How?

I hope this wish-list doesn't "turn you off." I will continue to search
for answers and hope for answers to these questions, most likely one/two
at at time. 

Thank you for your consideration and help.

Stephen Russell

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