Dear Steven and Meep users.

I ran a short 3-d simulation with an Ez source, outputting the eps file
and all 6 fields  - ex, ey, ez, hx, hy, and hz - at the end of the run.
I used a single processor and did not use symmetry of any sort.

Running H5topng on slices (-x 0:1:14) seemed to work but all of the
field PNG images were Black. The h5topng .png slice images of the eps.h5
file were white showing nothing.

I looked at the .h5 files using HDFView, opening the files as image, ran
the animation feature, and observed some very nice field images in all
of the files, and also found that the eps.h5 file was complete.

I used these commands,
; h5topng -x 0:1:14 -c -yarg -m1 -M12 ./cone-out/eps-000000.00.h5
; h5topng -x 0:1:14 -R -Zc dkbluered -a yarg
-A  ./cone-out/eps-000000.00.h5 ./cone-out/ez-000010.00.h5

 Does anyone see an error or incompatibility in the options I used?
The other thing I noticed when using HDFView to look at the field files
is that the fields - ey, hx and hz - change phase along a vertical. That
is, where the fields are black and white on the left side, they are
white and black on the right side.

I suspect a bug in the Meep processing of these field outputs. If
necessary, I can provide a test control file to reproduce this


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