Does anyone have a solution to this, to make a fully monochromatic light 
source, it seems like a fairly typical use case for an electromagnetic FDTD 

I have found that a mono-source can be made if you run the simulation for a 
long time, like 1500 periods, but there must be a more efficient way to do 
this. I will post my solution as soon as I find one.

> On 2 May 2015, at 14:30, Eoin Murray <> wrote:
> Hi Filip,
> Thanks for the swift reply and for recommending the solution. I have tried 
> what was suggested in Gib’s post - where a smooth turn on function of around 
> two periods should narrow down the linewidth of the source spectrum (or power 
> spectrum) - however this does not seem to work for me, 
> I have made a sample repo on github to show the issue, I am using a frequency 
> of 1.1 and a continuous-src with a 2 period turn on time (I have tried unto 
> 20 periods turn on and little changes), I would expect the linewidth of this 
> source to be approaching zero. I understand that there would be some 
> numerical broadening, but still the source is far to broad for me at the 
> moment with a width of 0.05, this should be much smaller to simulate a 
> close-to-monochromatic light source like an atomic dipole (which a continuous 
> wave src should do).
> The field does become more spectrally narrow if I run for a long time (like 
> 1500 periods), but I expect I should be able to achieve same after 20 periods 
> or something, why do the transients take so long to die out.?
> The attached repo contains a _test.ctl file with my code and graphs in the 
> _test-out/ folder.
> <>
> Thanks again for the help.
> Eoin
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> Date: 1 May 2015 20:59:41 BST
>> Subject: Re: [Meep-discuss] flux spectrum of continuous source
>> From: Filip Dominec < 
>> <>>
>> To: Eoin Murray < <>>
>> Hi, Eoin,
>> everything suggests you have the same problem (which is actually not a
>> problem per se) as Gib:
>> <>
>> Regards,
>> Filip
>> 2015-05-01 14:17 GMT, Eoin Murray < <>>:
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Eoin Murray < <>>
>>> Subject: flux spectrum of continuous source
>>> Date: 1 May 2015 15:14:20 BST
>>> To: <>
>>> I want to create a monochromatic continuous source, in air, and measure the
>>> flux through some plane, so I use the following code:
>>>> (set! sources (list
>>>>               (make source
>>>>                 (src (make continuous-src (wavelength wv) (width 0)))
>>>>                 (component Ez)
>>>>                 (center 0 0) (size 0 0))))
>>> I thought that the flux spectrum would look like a dirac delta function,
>>> instead it is quite broad, why is this?
>>> How can I create a continuous wave monochromatic source in meep?
>>> Attached are links to the flux spectrum I measured through a plane north of
>>> the source, and also an image of the field.
>>> <> 
>>> < <>>
>>> <> 
>>> < <>>
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