Hi Steve,

To force 3 dimensions in the current conda package, you have to add
`dimensions=3` to the Simulation constructor. This was fixed to behave as
the documentation describes in PR #187 (
https://github.com/stevengj/meep/pull/187). There will be a new conda
package soon with the correct behavior.


On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 2:11 PM, Steve Byrnes <steven.byr...@gmail.com>

> Sorry if I'm doing something very stupid, but I just can't get meep to run
> 3D simulations. It only does 2D. Here is an example:
> import meep as mp
> cell = mp.Vector3(1.,1.,1.)
> myblock = mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(index=2),
> center=mp.Vector3(0.,0.,0.),
>                            size=mp.Vector3(.4, .4, .4))
> geometry = [myblock]
> source = mp.Source(src=mp.GaussianSource(2., fwidth=.1), component=mp.Ez,
>               center=mp.Vector3(0.,0.,0.))
> sim = mp.Simulation(cell_size=cell, sources=[source], resolution=20)
> sim.run(until=3)
> The console says among other things:
> Working in 2D dimensions.
> Computational cell is 1 x 1 x 0 with resolution 20
> and indeed all the results are 2D. My impression from the documentation
> was that if cell_size has 3 nonzero entries, then it is supposed to do a 3D
> sim, but that didn't happen. Is there something else I need to do? Any
> ideas? Thanks in advance!!!
> ~~Steve
> PS: If it helps, I'm using python-meep on linux RHEL v7, freshly installed
> via conda.
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