Hi all,

I want to calculate the E-field at a certain frequency on a surface. As far
as I can tell, this feature is not implemented ... at least according to
10-year-old discussions I found on google (1

If that's the case, I figure maybe I can cheat, by using near2far on a
surface and then calculating the "far-field projection" onto the exact same
surface. [In practice it seems I need to use a *slightly *different
surface, maybe λ/10 away].

I expect this to be an accurate recording of the fields at that surface and
at that frequency, except for possible overall scale-factor / phase shift,
and also except for chopping off all the evanescent components of the
fields. (Those things are all fine with me.)

I tried this a couple times (in a 2D simulation), and the results I'm
getting seem to be at least superficially plausible...

Can anyone think of anything that I should be wary of here, like conditions
under which this approach would or wouldn't work, and/or better ways to do
it? (I did find this thing
would rather not be messing with the source code and switching from python
to scheme.)

Thanks a lot in advance!
Steven J. Byrnes | Draper | http://www.draper.com/
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