
The sources in Meep are current sources. Even if they are named Ex, Hx, ..., what is meant are electric and magnetic currents. See the following quote from the Meep documentation (https://meep.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Python_User_Interface/#source):


The |source| class is used to specify the current sources via the |sources| input variable.

*Important note*: These are /current/ sources (*J* terms in Maxwell's equations), even though they are labelled by electric/magnetic field components. They do /not/ specify a particular electric/magnetic field which would be what is called a "hard" source in the FDTD literature. There is no fixed relationship between the current source and the resulting field amplitudes; it depends on the surrounding geometry, as described in the FAQ <https://meep.readthedocs.io/en/latest/FAQ#how-does-the-current-amplitude-relate-to-the-resulting-field-amplitude> and in Section 4.4 ("Currents and Fields: The Local Density of States") in Chapter 4 <http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1301.5366> ("Electromagnetic Wave Source Conditions") of the book Advances in FDTD Computational Electrodynamics: Photonics and Nanotechnology <https://www.amazon.com/Advances-FDTD-Computational-Electrodynamics-Nanotechnology/dp/1608071707>.


On 03-May-18 18:28, KOHLMANN Hannes wrote:


I want to simulate the propagation effects of EM waves generated by a lightning stroke, for which usually an I(z,t) is given (lightning channel current).

Is there any way to tell PyMeep that the source is a current I (and not Ex, Hx, etc)?

If not, then I think the only way to find something descriptive for the lightning channel would be to calculate the  corresponding

Hy and use this as a source, right?

Also, for a custom function, I guess I will need meep.CustomSource and the src_func as parameter. But I haven’t figured out yet how put those parameters together, because I haven’t found any example (maybe I have overseen something in the docs). Could you give me a short one, please?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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