Dear Ardavan,

thank you for your answer. It seems mode decomposition is the way to
go. It seems like I could also obtain a dense angular spectrum, which
I could use with Fourier propagation, right?
When it comes to Raytracing I actually had the sequential mode in mind.

In the tutorial for the near2far feature it says:

In general, it is tricky to interpret the overall scale and phase of the far fields, because it is related to the scaling of the Fourier transforms of the near fields. It is simplest to >use the near2far feature in situations where the overall scaling is irrelevant, e.g. when you are computing a ratio of fields in two simulations, or a fraction of the far field in >some region, etcetera.

 So I am not sure, how this will affect statements I want to make about
 the image of a point source of an imaging system.


Am 19.07.2018 18:05 schrieb Ardavan Oskooi:
On 07/19/2018 03:34 AM, - wrote:

I wondered if anybody could point me to a way in which I could use the
output of a meep simulation, to obtain a scalar electric field, which
I could propagate over longer distance using Fourier optics, or in the
far field even switch to a raytracing simulation.  I expect, that one
has to make certain assumptions (e.g. about the propagation direction)
etc. Has this mixed modelling been done?

The input to ray-tracing tools (e.g., LightTools, FRED, Zemax, etc.)
is typically the bidirectional scattering distribution function
(BSDF): for an input planewave at a given wavelength and angle of
incidence, compute the reflectance (BRDF) and transmittance (BTDF)
over a range of angles (e.g., -90 to +90 degrees). The BSDF can be
computed in Meep via the mode-decomposition feature as demonstrated in
this tutorial example for the BTDF:

Note that you will need format the BSDF data in a way that is readable
by the ray-tracing tool as each tool has its own unique convention for
importing such data.

Another approach for obtaining the far field directly is to use Meep's
near2far feature as demonstrated in this tutorial example:

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