Thanks for your answer but I've got a question about the physical meaning
of the aplitude function.  I understand that the "k" is used to obtain an
inclination of the beam but how is the "sigma" that I introduce linked with
pysical values like the NA and the wavelenght?

Thank you.

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Il giorno lun 11 feb 2019 alle ore 21:42 Ardavan Oskooi <
ardavan.osk...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> On 2/11/19 09:28, Prs R wrote:
> > I'd like to create a focused gaussian beam where I can choose the
> > (numerical aperture) NA of the beam.
> > Is there any predefined functions to do that?
> There are currently no predefined functions to define a Gaussian
> envelope but you can set this up yourself using the amplitude function
> of the source object. An example is provided for a tilted beam in the
> script below. Four snapshots of the resulting field profile for
> different values of the beam width ("sigma") and rotation angle
> ("rot_angle") are shown in:
> http://ab-initio.mit.edu/~oskooi/meep_discuss/gaussian_beam.png
> Since this topic has come up several times before on this list (e.g.,
> https://www.mail-archive.com/meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu/msg00074.html),
> we'll create a new FAQ for the documentation which will be up shortly.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> import meep as mp
> import math
> import cmath
> import numpy as np
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> cell_size = mp.Vector3(20,10,0)
> resolution = 40
> pml_layers = [mp.PML(thickness=1.0,direction=mp.Y)]
> fcen = 1.0 # center frequency of CW source
> rot_angle = math.radians(20) # rotation angle of beam
> k = mp.Vector3(y=1).rotate(mp.Vector3(z=1),rot_angle).scale(fcen)
> sigma = 1.0 # width of beam
> def gaussian_beam(sigma, k, x0):
>      def _gaussian_beam(x):
>          return
> cmath.exp(1j*2*math.pi*k.dot(x-x0)-(x-x0).dot(x-x0)/(2*sigma**2))
>      return _gaussian_beam
> src_pt = mp.Vector3(y=4)
> sources = [mp.Source(src=mp.ContinuousSource(fcen, fwidth=0.2*fcen),
>                       component=mp.Ez,
>                       center=src_pt,
>                       size=mp.Vector3(10),
>                       amp_func=gaussian_beam(sigma,k,src_pt))]
> sim = mp.Simulation(cell_size=cell_size,
>                      sources=sources,
>                      k_point=k,
>                      boundary_layers=pml_layers,
>                      resolution=resolution)
> sim.run(until=50)
> non_pml_vol = mp.Volume(center=mp.Vector3(), size=mp.Vector3(20,8,0))
> ez_data = sim.get_array(vol=non_pml_vol, component=mp.Ez)
> plt.figure()
> plt.imshow(np.flipud(np.transpose(np.real(ez_data))),
> interpolation='spline36', cmap='RdBu')
> plt.axis('off')
> plt.show()
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