On 5/21/19 05:09, ei ru wrote:

In my simulation, the pml overlapping the left-handed material does not work.
The wave is not absorbed but growing.
I use drude-conductivity for mu and epsilon to make negative refractive index.

The field divergence for a negative-index material everywhere that you are observing is described in an FAQ <https://meep.readthedocs.io/en/latest/FAQ/#why-does-my-simulation-diverge-if-0>:

"If you have negative ε/and/negative μ/everywhere/, the case of a negative-index material, then the simulation is fine. However at the boundary between negative- and positive-index materials, you will encounter instabilities: because of the way Maxwell's equations are discretized in FDTD, the ε and μ are discretized on different spatial grids, so you will get a half-pixel or so of εμ < 0 at the boundary between negative and positive indices, which will cause the simulation to diverge. But of course, any physical negative-index metamaterial also involves dispersion."

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