You ought to be able to calculate the nonlinear polarization by outputting
both E and D. Then you may also be able to calculate the atomic inversion
in certain cases, like steady state behavior, or if you output E and D as
functions of time, you can calculate populations as a function of time.

On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 12:03 PM EDUARDO CABRERA GRANADO <> wrote:

> Dear Meep users and developers,
> I am starting to play with the mutilevel susceptibility in meep and so far
> I have not been able to extract neither the population of each level (N)
> nor the electric polarization (P) associated with a transition. Is there
> any way to obtain these magnitudes ar each temporal step?
> My aim is to draw the temporal evolution of the populations and
> polarization to check excitation and emission.
> Thanks a lot in advance for any help and also meep developers for this
> excellent tool.
> Eduardo
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