Hello, I'm modeling light propagation/scattering in biological cells. I've been 
using MEEP for a while and feel like I have an OK handle on the pieces I've 
been using. I am using the c++ libraries with my own code (the libraries I'm 
using aren't current, if that turns out to be important).

However, I'd like to consider the effects of absorption in these cells and 
their organelles. I think I understand that the way to do this is to specify 
conductivity values in addition to epsilon. However, in my field we're much 
more accustomed to thinking about the absorption of photons by 
materials/tissues rather than considering this from the view of the EM field.

So, I believe I need to attack this from the perspective of taking observed 
transmission spectra, maybe even absorption cross-sections, etc. and 
translating this into a meaningful conductivity parameter (sigma, right?). I 
apologize for bringing a theoretical question instead of a programming question 
to the mailing list, but I am struggling to understand how to proceed and hope 
that someone could help clarify things for me, or at least point me in the 
right direction to study and learn it on my own. I appreciate any help that can 
be provided.
meep-discuss mailing list

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