On 14/09/2012 12:39pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
The underlying thesis is that a perfect match means future maintainers
who have never seen the software before won't get confused due to
discrepancies between the software and the real world.

... and I should have said earlier, it is much much *much* easier to get the software correct in the first place. You end up speaking the same language as the client and the software cannot help but do what the client expects.


On 14/09/2012 8:01am, Ben Finney wrote:
Howdy all,

What material should a team of programmers read before designing a
database model and export format for sending commerce transactions to a
business accounting system?

I'm especially not wanting ad hoc advice in this thread; this is surely
an old, complex problem with a lot of ground already covered. Primers on
pitfalls to avoid and non-obvious best practices are what I'd like to be
directed toward.


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