On 30/01/2014 11:56am, Noon Silk wrote:

   So I'm interested in a python-based wiki that I can write arbitrary
python code in; perhaps with a view to:
   1) Creating specific templates,
   2) Arbitrarily querying the list of pages,
   3) Obtaining specific "bits" of pages (Perhaps I mark a section in
the template as "json", then I'd want to grab the json from pages A, B, X, Y

   Anyone know of something out there that does this?

There is Django snippets ... https://djangosnippets.org
and Pastebin ... http://pastebin.com/

Also, have you looked at the Trac wiki? Most people would use it for the ticketing but it also has useful wiki with markup permitting code.


At the moment all
I can think of is MoinMoin [1].

[1] http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinWiki
Noon Silk

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