On 11/08/2014 2:45 PM, Oliver Nagy wrote:
Hi Mike,

I do not seem to be able to post to the list, so here is a private

I believe you want the Mozilla Public License. It is similar in
spirit to the LGPL but allows your code to be freely mixed with other
(proprietary) code.

You can find the license here https://www.mozilla.org/MPL/

A useful explanation is here:

And a brief discussion about the differences between LGPL and MPL is


It certainly seems more permissive from a technical perspective.

However, not being compiled software, I can't see much effective difference between the two licenses with respect to dynamic and static linking.

The advice which seems worth thinking about the most is whether the Free Software Foundation or the Mozilla Foundation will help if their license is breached.

Not sure there - although I am aware of FSF efforts in Europe.

Thanks Oli


Good luck!

Best, Oli

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