
I got into programming when I was a journalist, and have since left
journalism to be a dev. My first programming role was at a startup that I
learned about in this email thread (so you're in the right place) and
nowdays I do a c#.net job ... So I've been where you are now.

The thing that has gotten my face out there is having a public GitHub
profile. If you put your work there then it becomes a catalogue of what
you've done and employers see this as evidence of being keen.

The second thing I'd say is Python is a great language but it can only
teach you so much. To be a pro programmer, you need to not just be good at
one language. One of the most beneficial things I did after I was
comfortable with Python was learn c++, because it has a lot of features and
pitfalls that python doesn't have. Learning one will teach you about the

It's been really good for me to read articles when I can, not necessarily
about Python, but just general programming concepts. As I've learned I've
applied those principles in my profiles on GitHub, and my projects today
are better as a result... And believe me my first ones were shockers, but
that's ok.

Other than that, I'd second what others have already said.

So that's how I did it. I applied for many, many jobs and was rejected many
times. So a combination of being lucky, being determined to learn, and
being really persistent with applying for jobs every week got me there.

Hope that helps,

On Saturday, 9 September 2017, <melbourne-pug-requ...@python.org> wrote:

> Send melbourne-pug mailing list submissions to
>         melbourne-pug@python.org <javascript:;>
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>         https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/melbourne-pug
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         melbourne-pug-requ...@python.org <javascript:;>
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         melbourne-pug-ow...@python.org <javascript:;>
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of melbourne-pug digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: How do I become a python developer? (William ML Leslie)
>    2. Re: How do I become a python developer? (John Knight)
>    3. Re: How do I become a python developer? (paul sorenson)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 10:24:39 +1000
> From: William ML Leslie <william.leslie....@gmail.com <javascript:;>>
> To: Melbourne Python Users Group <melbourne-pug@python.org <javascript:;>>
> Subject: Re: [melbourne-pug] How do I become a python developer?
> Message-ID:
>         <
> cahgd1hhda9k1sodjs4ag-yaimrnmnhn1edkn6cj1pfksx55...@mail.gmail.com
> <javascript:;>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> On 4 September 2017 at 15:04, Dylan Pereira <perdy...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I just had a general question. I have used python before and have loved
> it.
> > I would love to work as a python developer. I don't have any previous
> > experience except for writing a few python scripts in a previous role.
> What
> > would employers like to see when they hire a junior python dev. What
> does it
> > take to break into the industry?
> >
> I've got a bit of a list of things I expect people to know if they say
> they are a professional developer, and all in all it's a few days of
> study to become familliar enough with all of this set.  You don't have
> to know any of these inside out, but if they were bought up in an
> interview you should be able to show some familliarity.
> * Know how to use a DVCS.  The one you are most likely to be asked
> about is ``git``; and both github and bitbucket offer free git hosting
> so try to get good at managing and describing your changes.  Ideally
> learn to manage feature branches, too.  Version control is a matter of
> good hygeine.
> * Know how to use a debugger, either in your IDE or editor, or PDB in
> a python terminal.  You won't often need to use one (as writing tests
> and printing stuff is usually so much quicker), but it will mean a lot
> for your sanity if debugger commands are not something you have to
> learn while frantically trying to figure out what went wrong.
> * Oh yes. Tests! Know how to write a test, and run it using the test
> runner. Do not get into the habit of running the test file directly,
> it teaches you bad import hygeine. If you're on a posix system, Ctrl-R
> in bash is a lifesaver for finding your last test command, modifying
> it, and running again.  Mine often look like ``pytest
> foo/bar/test/test_baz.py`` and pytest can figure out from the
> ``pytest.ini`` in the current directory where the package root is.
> With unittest, use package names, like ``python -m unittest
> foo.bar.test.test_baz``.
> * Know at least one web framework. Even if you're not doing web stuff,
> it's really handy to be able to go from "these two systems need to
> talk" to working communication in a few minutes. And also requests.
> For bonus points, lxml.html or BeautifulSoup if you must.
> * Be familliar enough with some database library that you can spin up
> a database for trivial tasks.  For small stuff, I tend to use
> sqlalchemy.core on top of sqlite3.  Be able to declare a schema,
> create a database, insert rows, query for them.  Some Pandas and
> postgres knowledge tends to come in handy too.
> * For bonus points, be able to build python packages.  Know how to
> write a ``setup.py`` and upload your package to pypi.  It goes without
> saying that you should understand how to lay out your source package -
> understand how an import statement becomes a lookup in sys.modules and
> a number of lookups on the filesystem, and then finally how paths are
> mapped to module and package names.  Here's a really nice article on
> that subject: http://blog.habnab.it/blog/2013/07/21/python-packages-
> and-you/
> I want to thank you for the question, too.  When I got my first
> programming job, the largest program I'd written was probably around
> 100 lines, to visualise something for a school project. Programming
> was just something I did in the quiet hours.  So I give the above list
> not to discourage you from applying for work already, but rather that
> these are the things an employer will most appreciate not having to
> teach.
> --
> William Leslie
> Notice:
> Likely much of this email is, by the nature of copyright, covered
> under copyright law.  You absolutely MAY reproduce any part of it in
> accordance with the copyright law of the nation you are reading this
> in.  Any attempt to DENY YOU THOSE RIGHTS would be illegal without
> prior contractual agreement.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 10:58:50 +1000
> From: "John Knight" <john.kni...@tequity.com.au <javascript:;>>
> To: "'Melbourne Python Users Group'" <melbourne-pug@python.org
> <javascript:;>>
> Subject: Re: [melbourne-pug] How do I become a python developer?
> Message-ID: <005601d3283d$a2785eb0$e7691c10$@tequity.com.au>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Nice helpful comments there - I would also suggest getting involved in
> local
> MeetUps and offering your "services" pro-bono to solve some real life
> problems and get projects  under your belt
> All the very best, John
> John Knight?/?Tech Agent & Founder?
> M: +61 402 234 813
> Saltworth Pty Ltd?
> P: +61 3 9670 9056?
> Atlantis Tower, Suite 3201/288 Spencer Street. Melbourne, Victoria 3000
> http://www.saltworth.com.au
> ?????????
> -----Original Message-----
> From: melbourne-pug
> [mailto:melbourne-pug-bounces+john.knight <javascript:;>=
> tequity.com...@python.org <javascript:;>] On
> Behalf Of William ML Leslie
> Sent: Friday, 8 September 2017 10:25 AM
> To: Melbourne Python Users Group <melbourne-pug@python.org <javascript:;>>
> Subject: Re: [melbourne-pug] How do I become a python developer?
> On 4 September 2017 at 15:04, Dylan Pereira <perdy...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I just had a general question. I have used python before and have loved
> it.
> > I would love to work as a python developer. I don't have any previous
> > experience except for writing a few python scripts in a previous role.
> > What would employers like to see when they hire a junior python dev.
> > What does it take to break into the industry?
> >
> I've got a bit of a list of things I expect people to know if they say they
> are a professional developer, and all in all it's a few days of study to
> become familliar enough with all of this set.  You don't have to know any
> of
> these inside out, but if they were bought up in an interview you should be
> able to show some familliarity.
> * Know how to use a DVCS.  The one you are most likely to be asked about is
> ``git``; and both github and bitbucket offer free git hosting so try to get
> good at managing and describing your changes.  Ideally learn to manage
> feature branches, too.  Version control is a matter of good hygeine.
> * Know how to use a debugger, either in your IDE or editor, or PDB in a
> python terminal.  You won't often need to use one (as writing tests and
> printing stuff is usually so much quicker), but it will mean a lot for your
> sanity if debugger commands are not something you have to learn while
> frantically trying to figure out what went wrong.
> * Oh yes. Tests! Know how to write a test, and run it using the test
> runner.
> Do not get into the habit of running the test file directly, it teaches you
> bad import hygeine. If you're on a posix system, Ctrl-R in bash is a
> lifesaver for finding your last test command, modifying it, and running
> again.  Mine often look like ``pytest foo/bar/test/test_baz.py`` and pytest
> can figure out from the ``pytest.ini`` in the current directory where the
> package root is.
> With unittest, use package names, like ``python -m unittest
> foo.bar.test.test_baz``.
> * Know at least one web framework. Even if you're not doing web stuff, it's
> really handy to be able to go from "these two systems need to talk" to
> working communication in a few minutes. And also requests.
> For bonus points, lxml.html or BeautifulSoup if you must.
> * Be familliar enough with some database library that you can spin up a
> database for trivial tasks.  For small stuff, I tend to use sqlalchemy.core
> on top of sqlite3.  Be able to declare a schema, create a database, insert
> rows, query for them.  Some Pandas and postgres knowledge tends to come in
> handy too.
> * For bonus points, be able to build python packages.  Know how to write a
> ``setup.py`` and upload your package to pypi.  It goes without saying that
> you should understand how to lay out your source package - understand how
> an
> import statement becomes a lookup in sys.modules and a number of lookups on
> the filesystem, and then finally how paths are mapped to module and package
> names.  Here's a really nice article on that subject:
> http://blog.habnab.it/blog/2013/07/21/python-packages-and-you/
> I want to thank you for the question, too.  When I got my first programming
> job, the largest program I'd written was probably around
> 100 lines, to visualise something for a school project. Programming was
> just
> something I did in the quiet hours.  So I give the above list not to
> discourage you from applying for work already, but rather that these are
> the
> things an employer will most appreciate not having to teach.
> --
> William Leslie
> Notice:
> Likely much of this email is, by the nature of copyright, covered under
> copyright law.  You absolutely MAY reproduce any part of it in accordance
> with the copyright law of the nation you are reading this in.  Any attempt
> to DENY YOU THOSE RIGHTS would be illegal without prior contractual
> agreement.
> _______________________________________________
> melbourne-pug mailing list
> melbourne-pug@python.org <javascript:;>
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/melbourne-pug
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 19:00:57 -0700
> From: paul sorenson <p...@metrak.com <javascript:;>>
> To: Melbourne Python Users Group <melbourne-pug@python.org <javascript:;>>,
> Dylan
>         Pereira <perdy...@gmail.com <javascript:;>>
> Subject: Re: [melbourne-pug] How do I become a python developer?
> Message-ID: <b7dd1311-305f-8c00-ce81-48cd14dfd...@metrak.com
> <javascript:;>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> There is no one size fits all way. Every employer will have certain
> skills they value.
> There are plenty of online courses and tutorials - the more python you
> do, the better you will be. Get involved in some python open source
> projects and start fixing bugs.
> good luck
> On 9/3/2017 10:04 PM, Dylan Pereira wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I just had a general question. I have used python before and have
> > loved it. I would love to work as a python developer. I don't have any
> > previous experience except for writing a few python scripts in a
> > previous role. What would employers like to see when they hire a
> > junior python dev. What does it take to break into the industry?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Dylan
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > melbourne-pug mailing list
> > melbourne-pug@python.org <javascript:;>
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/melbourne-pug
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> melbourne-pug mailing list
> melbourne-pug@python.org <javascript:;>
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> ------------------------------
> End of melbourne-pug Digest, Vol 135, Issue 4
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