Galloway Friends:
You may have seen email traffic that suggests there are problems with the recording of membership fees paid to the Association.  There are not.
One member asked that the fee be charged to that member's credit card.  Credit card procedures are not yet set up, although they have been part of the new office plan from the beginning and are in the works.  It has been a matter of prioritizing work on the basis of importance.  Getting the registry and membership data bases in operating condition and on the Internet was the first priority.  The Association will let you know when credit card transactions are in operation.  In the meantime, the Association will record that particular member as paid for this fiscal year.
A second membership application with which a check was tendered is in process under normal procedure.
Nevertheless, you may want to check the Internet registry of members to be sure you are listed properly.  If you have individual problems, please let me know.  Making overbroad statements on the membership email list causes unnecessary confusion.
Lastly, please submit a membership application each year so that your contact information can be updated and verified.  Out of date contact information has been a problem in the past, particularly with breeder directories.

Steve Castner



American Galloway Breeders Association


8707 Kaehler’s Mill Road

Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012

Voice:            262-375-1702

Fax:               262-377-5002

Email:            sl[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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