Dear AGBA Members:


On October 6th, I wrote to this forum requesting that (all members and directors) let me know if they receive and read e-mails through this venue.  ALL I need to know is if you receive these e-mails.  If you do, simply reply with a ‘yes’ to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   or to me at my address below.  If you have additional commentary regarding the usefulness, pros and cons etc, that is welcome too.   


If I do not hear from you, the immediate assumption will be; that you do not receive these e-mails, you don’t read them if they do come, you don’t like the system, you don’t want to take the time and effort to read or respond or you are vacationing on an African safari.   This is your final opportunity to participate in the survey…I need your help.


Please assist your Association in this survey by replying to this e-mail prior to October 18th.  I would like to be able to present a report regarding this venue during the annual meeting of the American Galloway Breeders’ Association in Billings on the 21st.


Thank you very much.


Patricia Anderson Pruitt


28289 Norris Road

Bozeman, Montana 59718

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        (406) 579-0001





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