Galloway Friends:
Attached is a list of names and contact information for your current American Galloway Breeders' Association directors.
The membership at the annual meeting on Friday elected/re-elected the following as directors:
  • Harley  Blegen, Central Time Zone
  • Sarah  Bowman, Mountain Time Zone
  • Judy Decker, At Large
  • Susan Waples, At Large
  • Joyce Jones, At Large
The membership unanimously adopted an amendment to the Bylaws providing that, in the event a nomination was not made to fill a vacant time zone directorship, then the directorship would be open for nomination on at at-large basis for one year.  No nomination was made for an open Pacific Time Zone directorship, and Joyce Jones was nominated and elected to fill that position on an at-large basis for one year.
The directors elected/re-elected the following as officers:
  • Stephen Castner, president
  • Harley Blegen, vice-president
  • Joyce Jones, secretary-treasurer
Thanks to all who attended the annual meeting.  More news as time permits.

Steve Castner



American Galloway Breeders Association


8707 Kaehler’s Mill Road

Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012

Voice:            262-375-1702

Fax:               262-377-5002

Email:            sl[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment: 061023 - directors - 2006-2007.pdf
Description: 061023 - directors - 2006-2007.pdf

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