That sounds more complex than simply dumping a copy of what's in
memory to disk and restoring it five minutes later when the system is
restarted. If I understand correctly, memcached doesn't offer
replication so I'd have to somehow make it do so myself - right?

On Sep 9, 7:24 pm, Joseph Engo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could have a secondary memcache pool that you warm up during  
> maintenance periods, then switch over temporarily (using a load  
> balancer).
> On Sep 9, 2008, at 6:04 PM, wrote:
> > Is there any technical reason that memcache shouldn't dump it's db to
> > disk when shutdown and restore it when started again? If save/restore
> > were options I could rewrite my start/stop scripts to do it - those
> > who didn't want it wouldn't have to have it.
> > This would be a handy option for me as it takes me hours to rebuild
> > after a system shutdown. My backend system is proprietary and slow
> > which is the main reason for caching everything in memcached in the
> > first place. I was caching everything in a MySQL db before but
> > memcached is quite a bit faster and less intensive on my server.

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