
Current stable head adds a little bit of scheduling in... if a connection has queued up many requests memcached will flip to another connection and idle the bulk worker a bit. Otherwise since all operations take about the same amount of time, no other scheduling is necessary.

That change was a facebook patch, and only happens if you do a lot of bulk loading/fetching over tcp. Most folks don't do this.


On Mon, 15 Dec 2008, mcuser wrote:


Referring to "Connection Scheduling in Web Servers"

"Traditional scheduling theory for simple, single device systems shows
that if task sizes are known,
policies that favor short tasks provide better mean response time than
policies that do not make use
of task size. In a single device system, if running jobs can be
preempted, then the optimal work conserving policy with respect to
mean response time is shortest remaining processing time First

I am curious to know if memcached server adopts any connection
scheduling policy?


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