

In addition to the changes dustin posted, I'm proposing the following

Most of my own changes/can/should/will be pulled into the dev branch too.

The changes in here are merges from dev that I believe are minor enough
and useful enough to go into the stable tree, fixes, and some minor new
features from myself. Other changes, while temping, will instead to serve
as motivation to get all ya'll lazy asses onto the development series.

The change I want the most scruitiny on is
... which adds a really goofy hack to mitigate refcount leaks in the
system. I've not been able to nail down the last pesky bug or two which
causes those to happen, and this should prevent severe issues going
forward, and should stick around even if we find/fix all bugs.

I'll let this simmer through tomorrow, maybe monday, then if there're no
major complaints it'll become 1.2.7-rc. We'll try to keep the 1.2.7-rc
process short since the tree's been settled for so long.


commit c607401efd030d019a47bb100fc4d397801143ce
Author: dormando <dorma...@rydia.net>
Date:   Fri Mar 27 16:12:46 2009 -0700

    two new troubleshooting stats

    accepting_conns for completeness, and listen_disabled_num to see how many
    times you've hit maxconns and disabled incoming connections. probably a good
    stat to monitor and flip out on.

commit 8620ef062f0cdacffcdcd6d40c70fcdc9cdb9c02
Author: dormando <dorma...@rydia.net>
Date:   Wed Mar 25 00:55:19 2009 -0700

    add a cmd_flush stat

    shouldn't add much lock contention for just this.
    I want to add this one stat (mayb a few more?) since it's happened more than
    once that folks think memcached is broken when a cron or something is 
    'flush_all' once a minute.

commit 758f6548acb88d9f446e7369a7564d5382d1e2d2
Author: dormando <dorma...@rydia.net>
Date:   Tue Mar 24 23:55:09 2009 -0700

    print why a key was not found when extra verbose

    simple logs for simple people. Patch inspired by a bug hunting session with
    evan weaver. It's been useful a few times since.

commit 7208606e817dc401bcd3fde17038a3dfad604cab
Author: dormando <dorma...@rydia.net>
Date:   Sat Mar 28 00:16:38 2009 -0700

    dumb hack to self-repair stuck slabs

    since 1.2.6, most of the refcount leaks have been quashed.
    I still get them in production, extremely rarely.
    It's possibly we'll have refcount leaks on and off even in the future.

    This hack acknowledges this and exists since we want to guarantee, as much 
    possible, that memcached is a stable service. Having to monitor for and
    restart the service on account of "rare bugs" isn't acceptable.

commit bc3b2e295ef770b682e90a12e2b5e9acfdf85971
Author: dormando <dorma...@rydia.net>
Date:   Thu Mar 26 00:19:00 2009 -0700

    fix a handful of socket listen bugs.

    AF_UNSPEC is still necessary for UDP sometimes.
    We guarantee that at least one address returned from getaddrinfo binds
    successfully, and in cases of lacking network or ipv6 addresses some of 
    socket() calls might fail. That's normal. We were bailing on them.
    This change also removes the need to pass AI_ADDRCONFIG on machines with 
    stacks disabled.

commit cd9f5e17a5db997af16a8fccb7a59efb0c8e52c0
Author: Dustin Sallings <dus...@spy.net>
Date:   Tue Mar 17 15:02:07 2009 -0700

    stats slab's used_chunks should show chunks put to use

    It was a bit unclear what it was doing before, but it started out with
    a value equal to total_chunks, which was surely wrong.

    This change and its accompanying test ensure the value makes a bit
    more sense.

commit bf832f3ae339ce8dbcd72dc4d38eb2985a122a32
Author: Dustin Sallings <dus...@spy.net>
Date:   Fri Mar 13 20:24:14 2009 -0700

    A bit more space for server_stats, and an assertion (bug 27).

    I couldn't figure out how to get the stats output big enough to exceed
    1024, but I accept it might.

    I've given it a bit more space here and added an assertion to detect
    when we fail in case we can figure out how to actually have this occur.

    Maxing out pretty much everything got me up to 828 bytes:

    STAT pid 35893
    STAT uptime 152
    STAT time 1237000260
    STAT version 1.3.2
    STAT pointer_size 32
    STAT rusage_user 0.002487
    STAT rusage_system 0.005412
    STAT curr_connections 4
    STAT total_connections 5
    STAT connection_structures 5
    STAT cmd_get 18446744073709551610
    STAT cmd_set 18446744073709551610
    STAT get_hits 18446744073709551610
    STAT get_misses 18446744073709551610
    STAT delete_misses 18446744073709551610
    STAT delete_hits 18446744073709551610
    STAT incr_misses 18446744073709551610
    STAT incr_hits 18446744073709551610
    STAT decr_misses 18446744073709551610
    STAT decr_hits 18446744073709551610
    STAT cas_misses 18446744073709551610
    STAT cas_hits 18446744073709551610
    STAT cas_badval 18446744073709551610
    STAT bytes_read 1
    STAT bytes_written 18446744073709551610
    STAT limit_maxbytes 67108864
    STAT threads 5
    STAT bytes 18446744073709551610
    STAT curr_items 4294967290
    STAT total_items 4294967290
    STAT evictions 18446744073709551610

    ... assertion removed for the 1.2 tree.

commit 34a40c7d928df845c89fd6d05fd6f61bfac3cffa
Author: Chris Goffinet <c...@chrisgoffinet.com>
Date:   Sun Mar 15 23:08:46 2009 -0700

    Added support for setting backlog queue on command line

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