
We're rebooting the OSCON Memcached booth effort. This is next week, in
San Jose:

wednesday/thursday. If you're interested in participating on the booth
planning and scheduling, please contact me privately and we'll be
discussing the final details off list (so there's some surprise for the
folks who show up at the booth;).

I have 3 dealer/expo/thingie passes left for those you want to volunteer
to help man the booth but do not have passes. Please let me know ASAP
since we're doing this a little last minute now. If you already have a
pass but want to help with the booth, that's fine, just let me know.

For those of you attending OSCON, please drop by to see us in the exhibit
hall. Ask goofy questions, blame us for all your earthly problems, or just
say hello :)


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