Thanks Edward.
I do get an alarm when things are bad on the memcached. But the issue I want
to figure out is, why and how it got itself into a bad state.
Do you suggest turning on the debug logs?

>>>>Out Of Memory errors.
>>>>Time out on connect.
>>>>No Connect.

>>>>After a few week of looking at the issues,  I can get all of these
>>>>issues fixed and the code works great.

Where are your fixes going? on the client side or on the server side?


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Edward M. Goldberg <> wrote:

> Well I see that you are not getting lots of replies so I will step in.
> What I do is run a small CRON job that does a few Memcache actions
> like:
> Set key
> Get key
> Get status....
> And watch the output for issues on each server.  I use plain commands
> like:
> echo "stats" | nc localhost 11211
> This way I see all of the interaction with no client software in the
> way.
> When an error shows up in these simple commands I send an Alert to the
> RightScale Monitor System I use.
> You may have a Munin or other monitor system.
> Now I see the exact moment when the Memcached goes sour.  This
> provides a big hint as to why it is happening.
> Issues I see are:
> Out Of Memory errors.
> Time out on connect.
> No Connect.
> After a few week of looking at the issues,  I can get all of these
> issues fixed and the code works great.
> It does take a few hits at first to find issues like DNS falures,  Set
> up values set too low.
> Please ask for help,  Memcache is a great Cache....
> Edward M. Goldberg

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