> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 03:34, dormando <dorma...@rydia.net> wrote:
> http://blogs.sun.com/trond/date/20090625
> ^ client side replication.
> I like this and feel it's more powerful, since tt scales past two severs
> implicitly, and you can enable/disable it per key or key type. So instead
> of halving your effective cache, you can make a decision that some bulk of
> data is easier to recache than others.
> Ah ok, I see. It's an improvement over failover with consistent hashing, 
> because when you fail over, your data already exists on the failover server, 
> on a per-key basis, at the cost of storing the item
> multiple times, every time. Hm, that would work extremely well together with 
> parallel requests, which is also something I'd like to add to my client. And 
> as Trond writes, he uses it for the binary
> protocol only so he can do quiet sets that work properly.
> I'm still partially against failover because of the synchronization issues 
> with automatic recovery from failover, but adding replication really only 
> affects automatic failover and makes that case
> slightly nicer, so it's definitely something to consider if I start adding 
> failover support. I'll add it to my todo-list in any case, there's a bunch of 
> stuff I'd like to implement if I could find the
> time and the urge to do it. :-)

Heh... There're a few use cases that get me. One is new users who're
bolting memcached on to deal with horrific backend responsetime/etc. If
they're not too huge they can reduce cache efficiency by half and not
bankrupt themselves. Then over time remove keys from the replicated

For larger folks it'd hopefully be used sparingly.


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