Hi guys I have couple questions I've asked in the past but cant quite
find the answers for them

1. Hoiw can we get memcache to use more of the allocated memory. On
machines that im setting it to use 6886 megs it always looses about 1g
that it never users.

2. What is a good number to allocate on a machine based on its total
ram. I want to use as much memory as possible since the machine is
dedicated only to memcache.  on a machine with a total of 7872040
kbytes i'm starting it with 6836 megs which comes out to total of
7168065536 bytes 7000064Kbytes leaving in theory 872040K to deal with
OS but i've still experienced times where the kernel kills the process
because it runs out of memory.

3. how much should i allocate of memory per connection?

I'm using Amazon EC2 so im trying to get as much performance out of
each machine as possible. My instances at this point are using about
6800 connections at peaks.

Here is a view of stats

localhost:11211   Field       Value
         accepting_conns           1
                   bytes  6322592851
              bytes_read 2285274798197
           bytes_written 3364636705751
              cas_badval           0
                cas_hits           0
              cas_misses           0
               cmd_flush           0
                 cmd_get  4819734804
                 cmd_set   625762957
             conn_yields           0
   connection_structures        6922
        curr_connections        6404
              curr_items     6099004
               decr_hits           0
             decr_misses           0
             delete_hits     9631672
           delete_misses   114484250
               evictions   209091133
                get_hits  3478054399
              get_misses  1341680405
               incr_hits           0
             incr_misses           0
          limit_maxbytes  7168065536
     listen_disabled_num           3
                     pid        3485
            pointer_size          64
           rusage_system 20295.147668
             rusage_user 8208.757079
                 threads           5
                    time  1256159810
       total_connections     6006934
             total_items   625762957
                  uptime     1075786
                 version       1.4.1

Thanks for the help


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